Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror is a much-anticipated upcoming four-episode horror anime series that is an adaptation of the manga series titled Uzumaki by artist and storyteller Junji Ito originally published from 1998 to 1999. Here is everything you need to know about Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror, including plot, release date, voice cast, trailer, where to watch and more.
If you are wondering, Uzumaki has nothing to do with Naruto (whose full name is Naruto Uzumaki), one of the best manga series of all time. Instead, this one is about a strange spiral curse that grips the townspeople of Kurouzu-cho or Black Vortex Town. The residents become either obsessed or paranoid about the spirals, which appear to have a supernatural power that has psychological and even physical effects.
All about Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror: Plot, voice cast, release date and more
There have been multiple horror anime series and Uzumaki, the manga, also has been adapted into a live-action movie in 2000 and two video games (both released in 2000).
Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror plot
It is an anime series that is about a curse of spooky spirals that drives many citizens of a town called Kurouzu-cho or Black Vortex Town crazy. The anime would follow Kirie Goshima, who is a female high school student, and her boyfriend, Shuichi Saito, as they realise the terrifying consequences of this fascination with spirals.
As the curse becomes powerful, some bizarre incidents start to occur through the town from grotesque transformations to horrific rituals. Kirie and Shuichi watch the people in the town get consumed by madness as their lives become more and more intertwined with the spirals that are haunting them.
Against this turmoil, Kirie and Shuichi try to hold onto what sanity they could while looking for some means to defy the spiral curse, but while doing so, both are forced to face their very terrors and sinister history surrounding Kurouzu-cho.
To mimic the look and feel of the source material and manga in general, the series is animated entirely in black-and-white.
What is the Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror’s release date?
So what is the show’s release date? The Japanese language version (with English subtitles, we presume) will premiere on 28 September on Adult Swim with a Max (formerly HBO Max) release on the next day. According to, the English dubbed version will premiere on 3 October.
Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror: Where to watch in Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, you can watch the show on Amazon Prime.
Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror voice cast
The series features the voices of Uki Satake, Shin’ichirô Miki, Shuichi Saito, Robbie Daymond, Abby Trott, Cristina Valenzuela, Azami Kurotani, Max Mittelman, Mona Marshall, Aaron LaPlante and more.
Is there a Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror trailer?
Here is a Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror trailer:
(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of IMDb)